Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday Update

Well, more progress today, the got more of the flashing's up and started to get the rails ready.  They also finished the conduit on the side of the house and ran it up through the eves of the house. It looks really clean.

I've added a new movie of how the roof looks, along with more pictures. 

The gave my wife an update that they were going to need to cut the existing tiles and put slide them into place in front of the existing roof standoffs, and that this would need to push the install completion date out to Monday.  I had thought the original plans took this into account the whole time, I'm a little surprised they hadn't planned on this already, especially since looking at things now you can tell it might be a problem if there was wind and rain.

Now I'm hopeful that they're going to get everything sealed up by Friday since our highly accurate (cough, cough) weather people are predicting rain for Saturday.  I don't need a leaky roof.

Check out the latest pictures and movie here: 

All for now.

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