Monday, August 18, 2008

My update..

So, I had a nice call from the SolarCity folks last Thursday, they dropped the permit application off at the city of Mission Viejo. They had a form they needed me to complete (neighbor awareness) and I got that signed along with my association neighbor approval form. Dropped the HOA plans off at the HOA office and now it's more waiting. We'll see how things go.


RealityBites said...

Did SolarCity lower your price when they down-graded your panels?

solar-curious said...

No, because they increased the panel count and ultimate system output. Was originally supposed to have 22 panels at 200 watts for a 4.4kW system. They ended up doing 24 panels at 190 watts for a total of 4.56kW. It also required a different inverter. It was a few hundred dollars spread over the life of the lease, just a few bucks a month.