Tuesday, July 1, 2008

SolarCity continued...

So a few days went by and I didn't hear back from Mike, I shot him a mail and he told me that he's been real busy and that he was going to work the numbers and get back to me. I had a voicemail from him a little while later letting me know that he improved things a bit and that he wanted to talk a little so he could let me know the details.

I couldn't chat right then, so I shot him an email asking a few questions, he got back to me with a proposal which was similar to what I already had, but it was using my 2006 utilization (as I had requested 11k KWh), it was going to work out to be around $100/month for the lease, and $75/month for SCE. I asked him what it would end up being if he put in my 2007 utilization (8900 KWh). I didn't hear anyting back from him for a day. The next day (yesterday) I had a call from him asking what I thought of the proposal and having him remind me that the promotional period will be ending soon (this is the first time he seemed a little salesmanie), I said I'm open to it, but that I wanted to see what my exposure would be with the newer utilization with the lower usage (as I mentioned in my email). I said I had replied to his email, but he hadn't seen it.

He said he would take a look at it and give me a call back. I told him that I would be happy to resend anything if necessary and to just let me know.

I just had a call back a few minutes ago where he asked me about when I sent him the message with my utilization numbers. I gave him the date and time and he found it. He's going to work the numbers and get back to me.

For some reason, he sized down the number of panels in my system from 22 to 16 and basically kept my utilization at the lower point. I explained to him that I'm looking for the SCE bill with a 22 panel system running at ~9000KWh. I think he finally got it.

I know the lease should be $109/month for that system, I figure that the lease is based on the size of the system, not my utilization. He's trying to figure this whole thing out now. More details later.

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