Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Site Audit today!

Well, today SolarCity sent out Aaron to do the site audit/inspection.  He arrived a bit early at 8:30am and went to work.

He climbed around on the roof taking pictures and detailed measurements.  Then he checked out the main electrical panel to check to make sure everything would support the PV system. When he was done outside, he came inside and took a look in the attic, again taking measurements and pictures.

When he was done, he put together an overview for me to take a look at.  He let me know that I could install up to 28 panels (2 strings of 11, 1 string of 6) and I could call my sales rep if I wanted to see what that would entail.  He showed me the location of the inverter, along with where the conduit would probably be run. I signed the screen saying he explained everything to me.

Seeing how I could get 6 extra panels, I was curious as to what it would change my lease to. I shot Mike and email to find out.  It's significantly more expensive and while it would be nice to be able to use the additional power, I suspect that if we carefully plan our utilization during the day, we should be ok with the smaller system (which we're getting at a very nice discount).

While Mike and I were talking, I asked if he had the rate information for peak/non-peak for SCE as I wasn't able to find it.  I'm still trying to determine if TOU (time-of-use) metering is the way to go, or if I should stick to the tiered system.

He let me know that the peak/non-peak rates are different based on season (something I didn't know), he also gave me the rates:

Summer Peak $ 0.36/kWh
Summer Off Peak $ 0.19/kWh
Winter Peak $ 0.21/kWh
Winter Off Peak $ 0.18/kWh

For folks in San Diego, he also provided me with their rates as well:

Summer Peak $ 0.26404/kWh
Summer Semi-Peak $ 0.16788/kWh
Summer Off-Peak $ 0.14927/kWh
Winter Semi-Peak $ 0.16115/kWh
Winter Off-Peak $ 0.15126/kWh

Now the benefit of having the solar system is that during those peak times of summer days (when my panels will be generating the most electricity) SCE will pay me the full retail rate of $ .36/kWh when I sell them back power.  Then, in the evenings and nights when power is less expensive (and my panels aren't generating any power) I can buy that back from them at the $.19/kWh rate.

Good stuff.  More later.

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