Tuesday, September 16, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Installation Date!

I had a call from the Solar City folks this afternoon and they scheduled my installation to begin on Thursday, September 25!  I'm excited to get an install date and know that I will soon be generating some of my own power.  Too bad it couldn't have happened prior to July and my $400 electric bill. :)

I'll keep you informed as I hear more.


Dugdale said...

Wow, $400 that's a lot.

RealityBites said...

After two months of waiting on Solar City they just told me they need the structural plans of my tract house that was built 30 years ago. They cashed my $1000 deposit long ago.

I would not recommend Solar City from my experience so far.

solar-curious said...


I'm sorry that you've had that experience, it's definetely been a long period of time, but I do understand the issues at play, there are long runways for many of the pieces that they need to have in place before they can install the system. That said, I've been pleased with the amount of contact that I've had with the folks from SolarCity and their responsiveness to my questions and concerns.

Also, if you had signed up a couple of months ago (like myself), they were running a $0 down program, I'm surprised that you had to put the $1k down.

All this said, I would recommend that you give the customer support folks at SolarCity a call to try to work this stuff out, like i mentioned before, they've been great to me through this process, and are always willing to listen and try to help get things worked out.

Anonymous said...

Solardude -

I'm guessing that you did a cash purchase? Anyway, if you don't get satisfaction from customer care, I'd suggest you call your sales rep. That's what I did when we had a problem in our dealings with customer care.

Solar-Savvy said...

Solarcity has been a saving grace. I am saving $150 dollars a month before these ridiculous rate hikes that are coming. My old bill was about $475 a month and now is a low fixed fee. I couldn't be happier. I had a little confusion with Customer Care but otherwise was easy and very beneficial in these hard times. I did my research before I call and scheduled to know I was working with the best company. They are a great company.